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Cobalt vase with antique motif - Josef Strnact, Trnovany

Kobaltová vázička s antickým motivem - Josef Strnact, Trnovany (1).JPG

White, cobalt, gilded ceramic. In the shape of an amphora with upper handles. Decorated with embossed and gilded ornament. Central oval medallion with antique figural motif of a boy and girls with laurel wreaths. Marked from below: impressed letters J. S. in the coat of arms, number 1514 in the frame. Josef Strnact junior, Trnovany. Bohemia 1896 - 1940. Height 25,5 cm.

  • Author: Josef Strnact
  • Signed: marked from bottom
  • Measure: height 25,5 cm
  • Material: white, cobalt a gilded ceramic
  • Description: Bohemia 1896 - 1940
  • Price: 1.200 CZK
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