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Cornelis Ploos van Amstel after Gabriel Metsu

Cornelis Ploos van Amstel podle Gabriela Metsu (1).JPG

Etching on paper 29 x 20.5 cm. Upper left ( in the sheet ) G. Metsu. On the back of the sheet, pencil inscription and signature - G. Metsu del. Loos van Amstel fecit 1768, cartouche with coat of arms, ribbon and reeds. Frame with passe-partout and glass 40.5 x 30.5 cm. According to a drawing by Gabriël Metsu ( 1629 - 1667 ) , engraved and published by Cornelis Ploos van Amstel in 1768 - from the ensemble Ectypa.

Cornelis Ploos van Amstel ( 1726 Weesp - 1798 Amsterdam ) painter and art collector

known as an art collector and copying works of art by artists (especially Dutch) from the 17th century.

  • Author: Cornelis Ploos van Amstel
  • Signed: upper left in sheet, at the back in pencil
  • Measure: 29 x 20,5 cm, frame 40,5 x 30,5 cm
  • Material: etching on paper
  • Description: Dutch, year 1768
  • Price: 7.600 CZK
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