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František Emler (July 26, 1912 in Přelouč - May 25, 1992) - painter

He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague with prof. O. Nejedly. He fell in love with southern Europe, studied in Rome with prof. Carla Silveri at Accademia di bene arti. After the war he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts at prof. V. Pukla.

Independent exhibitions (selection)

1938 - Prague, 1939 - Rome, 1940 - Přelouč, 1941 - Pilsen, 1942, 1943 - Prague, Topic Salon, 1945 - Jihlava, Horace Theater, 1946 - Prague, Pošova gallery - Slaný, 1948 - Paris, 1951 - Work.


1938 - Italian prize and yearly scholarship in Italy. 1948 -Cena Fadeleine Bunoust at the National Salon in Paris. Furthermore, awards and honors for many illustrations of books by our and world authors.