Josef Holub ( November 13, 1870 Slany, Kladno - August 22, 1957 Kvasiny near Rychnov nad Kneznou ) - painter, photographer
The most famous painter of Kralupy and one of Marak's oldest pupils remained as perhaps the only true loyalist to the method of painting, which he learned mainly from Kavan. He found his ideas in the Povltaví region in the Podripsky region and became famous in countless variations of the same shot ('Vltava u Nelahozeves', 'Lobecek', 'Veltrusky Park'). Holub has been a professional photographer since 1900, which in turn influenced his insistence on the learned principle of painting, while his favorite greenish color only occasionally flourishes with sharper accents; After World War I, Holub's work no longer shifted in terms of expression, codified a harmonious picture of his home landscape (his large oil was once dedicated to JV Stalin by the state and located in the Moscow Kremlin) and became especially for the region, recognized for its unquestionable artistic value, especially since the artist was one of the distinctive figures of his city, whose institutions boasted and still boasts some of the best works. He is well represented in the National Gallery ("Oaks on the Barrier", 1895 and "Hunted in Montenegro", 1896).