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Honzik Jaroslav - Military camp during the Thirty Years' War

Jaroslav Honzík - Vojenský tábor za třicetileté války (1).JPG

Oil and Indian ink painting on glazed paper 26 x 33 cm. Signed lower right. Motif of a military encampment in the middle of a forest with a view of a castle in the background. Painting damaged in places. Silver thin frame. Bohemia 1900 - 1930. Total size with frame 28 x 35 cm.

Jaroslav Honzik (1870-1954)

  • Author: Jaroslav Honzik
  • Signed: signed lower right
  • Measure: 26 x 33 cm, with frame 28 x 35 cm
  • Material: painting with oil and Indian ink on paper
  • Description: Bohemia 1900 - 1930
  • Price: 1.800 CZK
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