Rudolf Jindrich ( 21. 1. 1882 in Touskov u Plzně - 16. 4. 1968 ) painter, graphic artist and restorer
He studied at the General School of the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna under Professor Delug in 1906, at the same time from 1905 to 1906 at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the special landscape school of prof. Ottenfeld. He painted mainly landscapes and small genre pictures. He illustrated magazines, lithography, etching and poster design. He was the founder of the art company Mha, which brought together Pilsen artists, photographers, writers, musicians and actors. He worked in the Pilsen region, was a member of the Association of West Bohemian Artists and since 1930 a member of the Association of Artists in Prague. In Pilsen he restored Als's frescoes on local buildings, as well as frescoes in the Pilsen Town Hall and All Saints Church in Pilsen. He designed scenic sets for the theater in Pilsen. From 1929 he worked for the Heritage Office in Prague. After 1945 he settled in the Liberec region and later returned to Prague. He was a member of the North Bohemian Works Committee. He exhibited at the Purkyne Society of Fine Artists. He is represented in the collections of the Regional Gallery in Liberec.