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Commode low with two drawers

Komoda nízká dvoušuplíková

Walnut and cherry veneer, inlaid tape, star. The top plate, front slightly rounded, decorated with inlaid in the middle the spider and flat in corners of a wrapped tape inlays. The fronts slightly convex drawers, decorated with inlays tape on the corners wrapped, two frames side by side. Stylish forging keychains and button tabs on the sides of the drawer fronts. Sides inlay same as the upper plate. Standing on the S-shaped curved legs. Central Europe of the 20th century. Height 68 cm, width 78 cm, dept 46 cm. French polish.

  • Measure: height 68 cm, width 78 cm, depth 46 cm
  • Material: walnut and cherry veneer, inlay
  • Description: last century
  • Price: 39.000 CZK
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