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Jan Kristofori - painter, graphic designer, sculptor

Born July 17, 1931 in Mukachevo. He studied at the Academy in Miskolc, Hungary (1944-1946). After seven years in prison for political reasons in Jáchymov and two years of military service he published the first drawings in Divadelní noviny (1960). In painting, he was influenced by the 1960s, inspired by the artistic inspiration of music, especially jazz, and created the first structural objects with jazz themes. At the Prague Music Theater he organized the first independent exhibition (1960) and he prepared projects with musical themes (1964 - Modern jazz in plastics, which was banned just before the start). He completed the cycle of W. A. ​​Mozart (1991), he created the Styles and Shadows (1994), cooperates with Čs. television, he is devoted to illustrations of textbooks. In 1994, he studied in Texas, where he made a film documentary.

Exhibitions (selection):

1960 - Prague Theater of Music, 1962 - Prague, 1964 - Prague, Modern jazz in plastics, 1966 - Worpswede (Germany), Kunsthalle Netzel Gallery, 1967 - Pant, Biennale

Prices (selection):

1967 - 2nd prize in the international competition for the appearance of a public building facade, Cottbus, Germany, 3rd prize, Symposium Statue and City, Liberec. 1969 - Honorable Mention, Ljubljana, 1972 - 3rd Prize and Coppa Banco di Italia for the Picture of Silence, 1973 - Targo in Narcisi, Turin