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Otis Laubert (January 8 1946 in Valaska near Banská Bystrica - ?) - photographer, drawer, sculptor

He studied at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Bratislava (1961-1965). In the 1960s he created the first buildings and assemblages. He created collages, assemblages, objects and spatial installations where their meanings come to life in new metaphorical contexts and association ties.

Independent exhibitions (selection)
1981 - Orlová, DK, 1983 - Brno, Křenová Club, 1986 - Prague, Club on Chmelnice. 1990 - Bratislava, Gallery Palisády, 1991, 1993 - Budapest, Knoll Gallery, 1993 - Chateauroux, Ocre d'Art, Outside - Sovinec, School, 1994 - Banská Bystrica, State Gallery, Thema - Poprad, Elektráreň (Popradská galéria) Repeat, 1995 - Berlin, Two Galleries, Blue "Picasso" Season, 1998 - Bratislava, Galeria Tatrasoft, Butterflies are not even touched.