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Low silver candleholder - Hermann Bauer

Nízký stříbrný svícen - Hermann Bauer (1).JPG

Solid silver with Ag 800/1000 purity. Net weight 80 grams. Total weight 229.50 grams. Filled mass for stability candlestick. Round flat base. Body of conical shape. At the top, a flat bowl, in the middle with a candle holder. Decorated with fine wrought hammer decor. On the front, engraved monogram F. B. and date 25.12. 1941. Marked with hallmark, clarity, brand name - Hermann Bauer, Schwäbisch Gmünd. Germany around 1941. Height 6 cm, width 8.5 cm. Certificate of Assay Office.

  • Author: Hermann Bauer
  • Signed: hallmarked
  • Measure: height 6 cm, width 8,5 cm
  • Material: silver
  • Description: Germany around 1941
  • Price: 3.500 CZK
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