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Maryaa ( Marie ) Neubertová ( January 1, 1899 in Prague - 1976 ) painter

She studied privately at the landscape school of Alois Kalvoda, with Vaclav Maly and Max Kopf. She painted flowers and floral still lifes. She drew thematically in the Beskydy Mountains, the Tatras, Wallachia and Subcarpathian Russia. Her landscape paintings were impressionistically tuned with a sense of capturing the atmosphere. She has exhibited at home and abroad - in Paris, Brussels, San Francisco and New York. She worked in Všenory. She had solo exhibitions in 1938 in Paris and in 1940 and 1941 in Prague. She has exhibited collectively since 1935 at the exhibitions of the Circle of Fine Artists in Prague, and at the Trade Fair Palace in Prague in 1946. She had most of her floral still lifes framed in gold frames of the French type or decorative period ones.