Oto Ottmar (18 April 1886 Pilsen - 11 March 1968 Luhacovice) - painter
He studied with professors Rauppa and C. v. Marra at the D. B. Künste Academy in Munich (1903-1904), École Colorossi in Paris (1904), and Professors Gérom and Forrie at the École des Beaux Artis (1905-1907). At that time he was a member of the Society of Independent Artists (Société Artistes indépendants, 1906-1907), with whom he also exhibited. In World War I he fought in the legions. After returning (1920) he stayed briefly in Prague, lived in 1951 in Vlčnov, then in Luhačovice. He devoted himself to landscaping, portraiture and figural themes. He captured everyday scenes from the life of people in South Moravia and folklore themes. He dealt with poster production for film and advertising. In 1906-1907 he was a member of Union Artiste Russe, from 1908 member of SVU Mánes, from 1911 member of JVU.
Separate exhibitions
1912 - Luhačovice (collective exhibition) - Uherské Hradiště - Prague, Krasoumná jednota.
Collective exhibitions (selection)
1907 - Paris, Société des Artistes, Salon des lndépendants, Salon d'Automne, 1909 - Prague, Manes, 1912 - Munich, Glaspalast - Prague, Rudolfinum, 1921 - Prague, Exhibition of violin artists, 1928 - Copenhagen (Denmark), Exhibitions JVU, 1982-1983 - Gottwaldov (Zlín), House of Art, Czech painters in France I.