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Václav Pavlík (29 June 1901 in Černilov u Hradce Králové - 4 August 1966 in Poříčí nad Sázavou) - painter, graphic designer, stage designer

He studied at the Secondary School of Art and Industrial Processing in Hradec Králové and at professors J. Drahoňovský, J. Mařatka, J. Benda, O. Španiel and V. Brunner at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. 1929-1943 he cooperated with the National Theater in Prague and the Municipal Theater in Vinohrady. 1950-1959 he was the designer of the Municipal Regional Theater in Benesov, 1959-1961 as an artist of the Municipal Theater in Příbram. He was also a member of UB, the Association of Fine Artists in Prague with whom he exhibited. He dealt with scenography. painting and book graphics. He mainly painted bouquets, landscapes. He participated in the Zlín Salons. Represented in the collections of NG and GHMP in Prague. Musee Jeu de Paume in Paris, the East Bohemian Gallery in Hradec Králové, the Regional Gallery in Liberec, the Regional Gallery in Zlín and elsewhere.

Separate exhibitions

1934 - Hradec Kralove, museum (with J. Šíma), 1935 - Prague, Galerie Elán (with J. Kodetem), 1936, 1941 Benešov u Prahy, 1937 - Prague, Galerie dr. Feigla, 1938 - Paris, Gallery Zak, 1939 - Prague, Als Hall of the Umelecka beseda. 1941 - Prague, Hollar Exhibition Hall, 1942 - Prague, Vilímkova Gallery. 1948 - Prague, 1965 - Montreux, City Gallery

Collective exhibitions

1951- Prague, Palace at Hybern, Czech Opera in Painting and Costume. 1974 - Liberec, Regional Art Gallery. Czech Painting XX. century from the collections of the Regional Gallery in Liberec.


1938 - Annual Award of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of the Czech Republic for the Picture of Sunflower, 1957 - Honors For Excellent Work.