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Alois Pitrmann (21 August 1911 Louny - 23 May Prague) - painter, graphic artist, art historian

He studied painting with professors J. Loukota and J. Obrovsky at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (1936-1939) and the history of art and aesthetics with professors A. Matějíček and J. Mukařovský at the Charles University in Prague. Doctor of Law, Doctor of Philosophical Sciences. He taught at secondary schools, he worked briefly at the PedF UK in the early 1960s. He was primarily a landscaper, portraitist, and devoted himself to spiritual creation.

Independent exhibitions (selection)

1937 - Mělník, Masaryk Cultural House (with J. Kotlet and F. Molík), 1940 - Prague, Mazac Hall 1940, 1946 - Louny, 1942 - Prague, Beufort Hall, 1943 - SV, 1949 - Prague, Salon artwork, Face of Prague - face of Vysočina, 1962 - Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav - Jičín, 1963 - Vimperk, museum. 1967 - Frenštát pod Radhoštěm (collective exhibition on the 100th anniversary of the birth of P. Bezruč), 1970 - Louny, Galerie B. Rejta - Pelhřimov, 1971 - Pacov - Prague, ČSS Gallery. 1972, 1973 - Prague, Cultural House on Prosek,