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Small vase with flowers - Meissen, Teichert

Malá vázička s květinami - Meissen, Teichert (1).JPG

White, gilt, glazed porcelain. Cylindrical shape. Round bottom and throat, with golden line. Decorated with the theme of larger and smaller flowers. Marked from the bottom - Meissner Ofen und Porzellan Fabrik Teichert (since 1864). Germany 1900 - 1930. Height 10 cm, width 7 cm.

  • Author: Meissner Ofen und Porzellan Fabrik Teichert
  • Signed: marked from the bottom
  • Measure: height 10 cm, width 7 cm
  • Material: porcelain white, gilded and glazed
  • Description: Germany 1900 - 1930
  • Price: 990 CZK
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