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Vladimír Suchánek (February 2 1933 Nové město nad Metují -?) - painter, graphic artist, illustrator

He studied art education with prof. C. Boudy, M. Salcman and K. Lidický at the PedF UK in Prague (1952-1954) and at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (1954-1960). He attended study tours in Europe and the USA.

Independent exhibitions (selection)

1957 - New Town nad Metují, Music School, 1960, 1963 - Mariánské Lázně, KaSS, 1969 - Prague, Manes, Gallery of Young, 1970 - Liberec, Hollar, 1974 - Amsterdam, Gallery T, 1976 - Amsterdam, Gallery Luka - Gent (Belgium), YD Gallery, 1977 - Warsaw, Cs. Cultural Center, 1985 - Náchod, OGVU - Prague, Gallery Fronta, 1987, 1991 - Berlin Teirkstein Gallery, 1988 - Prague, Semafor Exhibition Hall

Prices (selection)

1969 - 1st prize at the triennial in Cheb. 1974 - Gold Medal at the 2nd International Biennale of Graphics in Trieste. 1978, 1982 - Prices at international exhibitions Interexlibris Frederik-shavn, Denmark. 1981 - 1st prize for lithography, International Exlibriswettbewerb, Sint Niklaas, Belgium. 1982, 1990, 1992 - Honorable Mention in the Czechoslovak Competition "The Most Beautiful Book of the Year", 1992 - Award for VII. exlibris biennial in Chrudim. 1995 - 1st prize for liaison, The World of Exlibris Belgrade