Jiri Švengsbir ( 19 April 1921 in Prague - 3 March 1983 Prague ) painter, graphic artist, engraver
He studied a graphic special at prof. A. Strnadel at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague ( 1945 - 1950 ) . He devoted himself to drawing. Svengsbir designed a series of stamps and made engravings himself. He exhibited natural motives, heraldic and house characters, portraits of prominent personalities. Many of his works have been published.
Independent exhibitions
1953, 1964 - Nova Paka, City Museum, 1959, 1972 - Pilsen, 1960 - Brno, 1962 - Prostejov, 1964 - Hodonin - Chlumec nad Cidlinou, 1967 - Chrudim , 1971 - Prague, Platyz Gallery, 1972 - Brno, DU - Ostrava - Brusel,
Collective exhibitions
1955 - Prague, International Exhibition of Postage Stamps, 1956 - Bergen ( The Netherlands ) , 1958 - Barcelona, International Exhibition exlibris, 1960 - Vienna, Mühlhausen, 1965 - Sao Paolo ( Brazil ) , 1971 - Prague, Manes, The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists
1965 - Medal from the world postage stamp exhibition in Paris, 1971 - Third prize for the design of the Bratislava stamp