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Three Chinese painted scenes from the late 19th century

Tři čínské malované výjevy z konce 19. století (1).JPG

Painting with natural pigments on rice paper. The first picture with the motif of a dancer and a flute player. The second picture with the motif of a scholar and a servant carrying a zither. Third picture with the motif of a learned discourse ( Buddha and Lao Tzu ? ) , torn on the right side. China 1880-1900. Size of the pictures 9,5 x 12,5 cm. Frame 62 x 29,5 cm.

  • Measure: 9,5 x 12,5 cm, frame 62 x 29,5 cm
  • Material: painting on rice paper
  • Description: China 1880 - 1900
  • Price: 5.000 CZK
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