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Frantisek Tichy ( March 25, 1896 in Prague - October 7, 1961 there ) painter, graphic artist, illustrator, set designer and pedagogue

He trained as a lithographer. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague in the years 1917 - 1923 with prof. Obrovsky, Nechleba and Krattner, did not finish school due to disagreements. He matured artistically during his stay in France in the years 1930 - 1935, the basic life experience for him was the atmosphere of circus life, which he both personally knew ( worked ) and experienced in the spirit of contemporary poetic theories. He was influenced by the atmosphere of the arena, circuses and artists in his work for life. The color feeling changes in Paris under the influence of Seurat's light lyricism, the stained handwriting allows the transcription of the body shape into a poetic vision. The frequent motif of balance not only describes artistic performance, but gives a more general account of human existence. The basis of his work remains a fantasy of shape and drawing. Other topics included the environment of cafes, events on the streets and the outskirts of cities. He painted imaginative portraits, still lifes. He devoted himself to illustration, drawing and typography. He occasionally designed jewelry. He dealt with poster and stamp creation, scenography. He was a leading figure in the avant-garde art of the 1930s. After 1945 he worked as a professor at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague. He combined artistic freedom with strict discipline techniques. He left school in the early 1950s. In his own work, he created variants on older themes from the artistic environment and also created new works. Even in the 1950s, he illustrated books and bibliophilic prints, created small graphic works, and collaborated with film. Member of Devětsil, Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, Umelecka Beseda since 1932, Mánes Association of Fine Artists and Czech Academy of Sciences and Arts since 1946. He has exhibited independently and collectively in many places in Czechoslovakia. Represented in the collections of the National Gallery in Prague, in regional state galleries and museums in our country and in Slovakia.