Hand-colored copper engraving on paper 5.5 x 8 cm ( printing area ) . Marked : lower left - Das Burg-Thor gegen Die Stadt, lower right - La Porte de la Cour ver la ville. Marked : lower center - No. 2, Wien bey T. Mollo. Gold frame with mount and glass 13 x 16 cm. From the book: Wiens Vorzüglichste Gebäude und Monumente, Les Principaux Batiments et Monuments de Vienne, published in 1825 in Vienna. Authors of the original: Josef Leitz, J. W. Zincke, Sigmund von Perger, Edward Gurk and others. Vienna, after 1825.
Tranquillo Mollo (August 10, 1767 Bellinzona, Switzerland - January 29, 1837 Bellinzona, Switzerland)
art dealer and publisher.