Vaclav Vodak ( August 16, 1914 in Pilsen - November 18, 1976 in Rokycany ) painter, teacher, journalist
He studied at the Pedagogical Faculty of Charles University in Prague and privately with Vincenc Benes. He taught in Rokycany, worked as a teacher at the Art Department of the PedF in Pilsen, which he later headed ( since 1962 associate professor ) . In his freelance work he devoted himself to painting landscape and still life. It depicted the industrial landscape, but also the Pilsen and Rokycany regions. He focused his theoretical activities primarily on the art history of Pilsen and the West Bohemian Region. Author of textbooks and publications on art issues. Published in magazines and newspapers. In 1944 he exhibited independently in Rokycany, 1947 in Pilsen. He has exhibited collectively with West Bohemian artists ( including 1976 - Presov, Pilsen Artists 'Exhibition, 1977 - Prague, West Bohemian Artists' Exhibition ) . Represented in the collections of the West Bohemian Gallery in Pilsen.