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Zdenek Mezl - Six ex libris

Zdeněk Mézl - Šest ex libris (1).JPG

Woodcuts on paper 18 x 9 cm, 9 x 9 cm, 10.7 x 5.7 cm, 10 x 6 cm, 8.5 x 6 cm, 4.7 x 3.3 cm. Signed in pencil lower center, lower right. Ex libris: Jaromir Bilek, Eva Nevoralova ( 3x ) , Josef Jelinek. Unframed.

Zdenek Mezl ( October 31, 1934 Prague - May 23, 2016 Prague )

study: Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague 1949 - 1953prof. Jaroslav Vodrazka, Academy of Fine Arts in Prague 1953 - 1958 prof. Vladimir Pukl, interrupted his studies for one year with a study stay at the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia, Bulgaria 1958 - 1959 prof. Tomov, in the years 1959 - 1960 he completed his studies at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague prof. Vladimir Silovsky.

member: Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, Czech Fine Arts Fund, Association of Czech Bibliophiles, Cabinet of Czech Graphics.

  • Author: Zdenek Mezl
  • Signed: signed lower center, lower right
  • Measure: 18 x 9 cm, 9 x 9 cm, 10,7 x 5,7 cm, 10 x 6 cm, 8,5
  • Material: woodcut on paper
  • Description: exlibris
  • Price: 1.200 CZK
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